Fract-ED from EALSoft

From the Author . . .

It is my hope that the learning experience be a pleasant and fruitful one - for the instructor as well as the students. This study was designed with these goals in mind. The text is written in an informal tone which hopefully will reduce the tendency for 'math' to become boring. The intended audience is one consisting of technically-oriented students with a general interest in mathematics, science, computer applications, art, or other related subjects, but need not be limited to any particular group.

The study of fractals is essentially mathematics, but it differs from the traditional view. It is not a manipulation of seemingly meaningless, abstract numbers which produce more of the same; instead it produces stimulating visual images. (Yes, I admit, we do sometimes start with meaningless abstractions, but we don't end with them!).

I wish to point out that I am not a mathematician, but just a person who enjoys fractals, computer programming, and conveying ideas. I have not attempted to cover all aspects of fractal geometry; neither have I gone to great mathematical depth into the subject. I have my own perceptions of this topic, and have been able to give a clear understanding of it to my associates and others, who in turn have encouraged me to produce this work. I have made every attempt to ensure that the information presented here is true and accurate, though you may discover an opinion or two expressed.

I hope you and your students have as much fun with these materials as I have had in producing them. I welcome your comments, suggestions and criticism. Please report any blatant errors you may find so I can correct them.

Thank you.

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